Hello Everyone! It has been a few weeks since my last post. If you are a regular follower, I apologize for going missing in action. One of my last updates was "things are getting busy...I'm going to try to continue posting a few times a week..." and then poof, I disappeared. While I think it's unrealistic to try to commit to a few posts each week, I do promise at least one new recipe every week going forward.
I always find that Spring and Summer are my toughest times to keep up with my recipe blog. While I absolutely love cooking and trying new things, once the weather warms up, I am on the deck in the evenings, enjoying a glass of wine while Serena exerts her energy outside, with dinner cooking on the grill. I had a fantastic meal the other day (pictured) which is fairly typical of my warm-weather menu, but there's not much to it to review--bacon wrapped fillets, salt and pepper seasoned shrimp skewers, grilled veggie pack, and cheese bread.
Right now, Serena is about to wrap up her dance and gymnastic classes. This means we have rehearsals, a recital, awards, and other end-of-class activities. She has been accepted to a Christian Academy and will be starting Kindergarten in August, which we are both thrilled about. That leaves the next few months open to vacationing without school restrictions, at least for her.
I continue to go to the local university to finally finish my Bachelor's degree. While I know the outcome will be rewarding, it's challenging too. I currently have an A in both Fall semester classes but they are very time consuming. Unfortunately, I've got a few semesters of this left to go. At work, I've been given some additional job duties which makes for a busy 8 to 5 day. It's a true balancing act.
We have alot of vacations already planned this summer -- the mountains, the beach, Great Wolf Lodge, plus a few adult-only trips. I've decided to start playing golf again and want to add a few new recreational things to my personal resume over the summer. More about this later~
This year, I am planting a fairly large garden (3 times the size of last years). In it will be red onions, sweet onions, beans,okra, silver queen corn, tomatoes, jalapeno peppers, and banana peppers. I will also grow basil, thyme, parsley, oregano, rosemary, and chives.
There's several other things that are going on that I'd love to share and hope to do so little by little in my upcoming recipe reviews.
I hope everyone is doing well and I look forward to posting regularly again... Thank you for your patience.
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