
1 lb lean ground beef
Fideo noodles (which can be purchased at a Mexican grocery store)
olive oil (about 2 tbsp)
2 cap fulls of apple cider vinegar
minced garlic
cilantro, as much as you like
(3) serrano peppers, whole
red bell pepper, sliced
2 tbsp Knorr caldo de tomate
can of Rotel diced tomatoes with lime juice & cilantro
avacado for garnish

Cook ground beef in skillet, when cooked through drain and set aside. As this is about done, in a seperate saucepan, add 4 cups of water, 2 cap fulls of apple cider vinegar, 2 tbsp of Knorr, and can of diced tomatoes, until boiling. In skillet, add a little olive oil and brown vermiccili fideo noodles and minced garlic until browned. Add boiling saucepan mixture--make sure its boiling. Add ground beef, sliced pepper, whole serrano peppers, and cilantro. Cover and simmer 10-15. Garnish with avacado and extra cilantro if you like.